SW developers are preferred, Content Wrapper can monetize any downloadable content.
You are welcome to write some comments on the Clicksor program. We welcome your suggestions that help us to improve money earnings with the Clicksor. Just leave here a message how are you doing with the Clicksor and share your knowledge with other webmasters.
Make money with this pay per click search engine. You get 70% of revenue sharing. Payments are send by checks or PayPal ($20 minimum) every two weeks. For referring new webmasters you get paid 20% of his earnings up to 5 levels deep. Banners looks very similar to Google adwords banners. Type of ads: XML Feed, Contextual link or text banner or graphic banner or all together, CPM and CPC graphical banner and popunder or floating ads are possible. Try this PPC search engine and you will see how much can you make.
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I have ads from clicksor on my blog:http:ubuntublog.org Posted: February/27/2012Girish Rating: 10
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I have clicksor on my sites, http:gadgetzz.com and http:mods4apple.com, i have around 1000 uniques per day. Yet i dont make more than 3$ per weekHope this info helps Posted: April/27/2011RATETHISWORLDCOM Rating: 10
Trying it on my site - http:ratethisworld.com Posted: April/22/2011khawer Rating: 1
After signing in to clicksor in referral center all banners in advertiser or publisher it takes time to load and then it disappears.I cant use product to refer. Posted: January/08/2011sam Rating: 10
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The Full Page Inter-Ads will be displayed while site user is being redirected to another page. This ad format offers relatively high earnings to you with a minimum of $0.009 per view is charged to advertisers. Hence, you could earn an average of $0.0054 to $0.009 per view or even higher Posted: September/16/2008